Operations - Parole and Probation
Offenders on parole and probation, living in our neighborhoods and working in our local businesses, require supervision and guidance to keep focused on the ultimate goal of overcoming the "revolving door" of the criminal justice system. The parole and probation portion of DPSCS Operations ensures these offenders are meeting this goal and upholding individual requirements set forth by courts and the Parole Commission.
In addition to supervising parolees, probationers and those on mandatory release from the correctional facilities, parole and probation staff also conducts pre-sentence investigations and supervises Marylanders who've been court-ordered into the Drinking Driver Monitor Program. A Parole and Probation Enforcement Program monitors offenders on home detention and operates the Warrant Apprehension Unit to bring in offenders who have violated the terms of their supervision.
Working closely with local authorities through a new Violence Prevention Initiative, the Department has recently expanded its focus on known violent offenders under supervision to enhance community safety. Watch Centers in Baltimore City and County and Prince George's County further strengthen the relationship between parole and probation agents and law enforcement. Agents share intelligence and crime reports and monitor criminal activities in an effort to swiftly remove repeat and violent offenders from our streets.